Alia Bhatt Daughter Birthday Celebration: Actress Alia Bhatt and Actor Ranbir Kapoor celebrates their daughter Raha’s first birthday last night in New Delhi.
Raha’s mom posted for her. The actress wrote, “Our joy, our life.. our light! It feels like just yesterday we were playing this song for you while you were in my tummy kicking away. There’s nothing to say only that we’re blessed to have you in our lives… You make everyday feel like a full creamy yummy delicious piece of cake. Happy birthday baby Tiger… we love you more than love itself“
This is what Raha’s mom posted:
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The couple was seen posing and celebrating happily with family and friends. One of the chef posted pictures and menu. The menu comprised of Fries, Ribbon Sandwiches, Brie Chilli Cheese Toast, Tacos, Dosa and many more delicious items.
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