Himani Shivpuri Dhanteras Celebration: Bubbly and charming actress Himani Shivpuri, who portrays the role of Katori Amma in the show Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, spoke about the importance of the festival Dhanteras.
Dhanteras is celebrated as the first day of Diwali across the nation, and people worship Lord Kuber and Goddess Lakshmi for wealth and prosperity respectively. “It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi visits the homes of her devotees on the day of Dhanteras. To welcome her, we light lamps and diyas and adorn the entrance of our home with rangoli. A special puja is performed in my home to seek the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi and Dhanvantari for good health and prosperity. I prepare traditional sweets for the puja“, she said.
The actress revealed her plans for Dhanteras and shared, “Just like every year, I will purchase gold jewelry, decorative items for my house, and utensils, all of which are considered auspicious for the day. In addition to this, I will provide a small bonus to our household help and staff, who are our greatest support and take care of us like an extended family. For me, the true essence of the festival lies in the joy that comes from caring, sharing, and spreading happiness.” What’s your plan this Diwali. Do share with Catch Karo!
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