Masaba Gupta Black Dress: Masaba Gupta is an Indian fashion designer and actress with her own label called House of Masaba. She also judge the show ‘Supermodel of the Year’. Recently, at the Vouge Forces Of Fashion 2023 event, Masaba stuns in a black side cuted dress showcasing her new creation from House of Masaba. Taking cameras to her photoshoot, she wore side cuted plain black dress with beige inner wear.
Looking awesome in the outfit, with accessories she wore multi colour broad bracelets and long golden earrings. Keep center-parted open hairs, she work more on her makeup. Her dusky skin come out so perfectly wit the makeup. Talking about her makeup, she simply wore light shimmery eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascared lashes, brown tone lipstick, contoured cheeks, with little highlighter.
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Fashion designer Masaba Gupta look so confident and flaunts her side cuted outfit so positively and gives positive vibes to the viewers, and sets as an example for the newcomers in fashion designing.
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