The trailer of Non Stop Dhamaal, starring Rajpal Yadav, Annu Kapoor, and Manoj Joshi, was released by the makers. Non Stop Dhamaal revolves around Satinder (Annu), Jassu (Asrani), Amar (Manoj), and Raju (Rajpal). With the hindi film industry as its backdrop, movie is touted as a non-stop roller coaster ride of laughter.
Watch Non Stop Dhamaal movie trailer here:
Check Non Stop Dhamaal movie trailer fans reaction here:
अपुन की फस्ट पिच्चर का टिरेलर आ गया है भाई लोग 😍
— Bhagat Ram (@bhagatram2020) August 4, 2023
अपुन का भी छुटंकी सा रोल है #NonStopDhamaal में 😎 via @YouTube
Looks good comedy movie but not top grade.#NonStopDhamaal
— Rohankumar Sharma (@rkz_sharma) August 5, 2023
This movie also features Shreyas Talpade, Sheena Bajaj in supporting roles. Arbaaz Khan’s girlfriend Giorgia Andriani will also be seen in a special peppy number.