Priti Prasad Blind Cricketer: Passion makes its way itself. An example of this is Priti Prasad from Delhi University who has been selected to become a part of the Indian cricket team for a bilateral match with Nepal as a blind player.
Priti came to DU from Darjeeling 3 years ago and she pretty much thought about becoming a teacher but slowly she started to practice cricket.
She said “I never knew that something like blind cricket existed. My brother encouraged me to try the sport, and I never expected to enjoy it,” said Prasad (21), a third-year political science student at DU’s Aurobindo College.”
She is the youngest of five children. “I start my day by attending classes at 8.45 am and work out and practice in the evening. I usually head to the RK Puram ground every evening,” said Prasad.
“To understand commands for visually-challenged players is difficult as compared to the abled ones. Sounds play a huge role in understanding commands in the game for the visually impaired. They need to concentrate more than an average person to let the sound of the ball and the voice commands of the players guide them,” said Bansal. (Priti’s coach)
“Priti had an eye operation in 2018, despite which she wanted to pursue this sport. She also taught me how to play and she is doing very well. I hope she makes our country proud,” she said