Shantanu Anant Tambe On Animal: Shantanu Anant Tambe is an Indian director who mainly works in the Marathi film industry. Some of his other notable films include Mazi Shala (2013) and Yaari Dosti (2016). He is associated with the 2018 indi drama Bhootwali Love Story starring Kanchan Awasthi and Suhas Ruke in lead roles.
In an interview he was asked about the changing pattern of making films and his reaction on Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal, he said, “We are living in commercial era nowadays. People who just want to earn money, they do things like that. I want to tell you here very proudly, my father was a poet, who is no more with us, I was in seventh standard, when I started writing, I used to write songs earlier, then I write drama script. One thing my father explain me, public gives us a lot as an artist. They gave respect, money, fame. So what we have to give in return, think about that”.
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He continues, “Do such things in which social message is there for people. World will earn money. My first film Marathi was Mazi Shala. Yaari Dosti also deliver social message. I always try at my last breath, if my film got hit and I make in my life, you will always find a message.” He react on movie Animal, “I will never do movie like Animal in my whole life, just to earn money“, the Indian director, Shantanu Anant Tambe said.
Watch his interview here:
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