Vikkas Manaktala, a popular television actor, has appeared in shows such as Jhansi Ki Rani, Laal Ishq, Left Right Left, and others. The well-known actor also appeared on Salman Khan‘s reality show Bigg Boss 16. He entered the house as one of the wild card contestants, along with Sreejita De, but was quickly evicted.
Vikkas Manaktala joins Bollywood Bubble host and opens up about his eviction, battling depression, and dealing with his wife’s miscarriage in a candid chat. His family’s reaction to the miscarriage was also discussed. Vikkas is married to Gunjan Walia, an actress.
“It was a very emotionally low phase for me, my wife, and my family,” Vikkas says. As I previously stated, my parents, you know how parents are, were overjoyed when we became pregnant. When the miscarriage occurred, they were devastated, especially my mother. She became very sad and emotionally low, and we both were, I mean Gunjan my wife also became very sad and emotionally low.”
“So many people told me to think about it and maybe just try again,” he added. But the doctor said that after the miscarriage, you should actually let the woman recover and all that other nonsense we did. But, emotionally, it was extremely difficult for us, particularly for my parents.”
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